While preparing the demo for my previous post “Optimize for ad hoc workloads – SQL 2008“, I encountered an issue and that’s the topic for this blog. I executed the sp_configure followed by RECONFIGURE and it returned me an error. sp_configure ‘optimize for ad hoc workloads’, 1; reconfigure The error message stated the ad hoc updates… Continue Reading Ad hoc update to system catalogs is not supported

SQL Server 2008 had introduced a new feature that helps optimizing ad hoc workloads. SQL server generates an execution plan for each and every statement that’s executed. The reason is that the SQL server would be able to re-use the execution plan when the statement run next time. However, there… Continue Reading Optimize for ad hoc workloads – SQL 2008

Recently I was working with a customer on a drive space issue and the disk space alert function failed to alert DBAs about this on time. I was just amused why the alert didn’t work at all. After some research it turned out that the customer had recently added a… Continue Reading xp_fixeddrives ignores SAN mount points

DBAs working in data centers would often want to find all the SQL Server instances in the network. How this can be done using few simple powershell scripts? There are multiple ways you can achieve this using powershell. First we just trust the SQL browser services and assume that it… Continue Reading Find SQL Instances – Powershell